3 Things You Need To Know About Your Hormones

Let’s talk about some of the most common topics around hormones and your period between period pain, seed cycling, and obstacles in the way of you actually being excited (yes I said it, excited) to get your period each month.

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natural hormone health support

Period Pain – is it normal?

Many women struggle with period pain each month, and did you know that your periods shouldn’t be painful? When I found that out, I was SHOCKED. I thought period pain was normal, because that’s all I really knew before going to naturopathic medical school and learning what a normal period should look like.

There can be many causes for painful periods, like endometriosis, or there can be a difference in how the uterine muscle contracts, which ends up causing pain.

During the menstrual cycle, there is a lining that is built up inside your uterus to help support implantation of an egg if you were to become pregnant. Once ovulation comes and your egg is not fertilized, there is no longer the need for that lining anymore, so your hormones drop and your period starts.

During your period, the uterus starts to contract to push out the lining it just made. If the contractions are too strong or too frequent, then you can have significant pain and cramping during your period. There isn’t enough blood flow and oxygen to the area, so pain is the result. The abnormal contractions are usually due to something called prostaglandins, when they are not in balance, they usually cause inflammation resulting in pain (1).

What is seed cycling?

Seed cycling is a great way to support your body during the menstrual cycle, and not just while you have your period, the whole month! Seeds are notorious for having healthy fats and some of them have different balances of fats than others. If you read my “Support Your Cycle” Guide you may know that seeds like flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids and others like sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are high in omega 6 fatty acids. Fatty acids are great at balancing inflammation and supporting antioxidant activity.

How long does it take to balance hormones?

I usually say it takes about 3 months of consistent work to see a change in your hormones. Balancing hormones takes time, especially if you aren’t getting your period. Your body needs time to adjust and take in the nutrients you are providing to help get back into balance. The good thing about using natural therapies is that you are addressing the underlying cause of your issue, but it does take some time.

Naturopathic medicine doesn’t usually offer the “quick fix” like conventional medicine does. Sometimes you can take a pill and forget about it, but with naturopathic medicine, you need to be ready to put in some work and see gradual results. But keep in mind, every one and every body is different so you may see results sooner or later than someone else on the same journey.

Does this sound like a long time? 3 months, 3 periods…wow, some of you may think that is a long time. I get it! I’ve been seeing this quote a lot lately and I think it fits healing & health perfectly:

“Don’t let 1 year from now you wish you started 1 year ago, start now!”

While some of this takes time and hard work to get you feeling better, your future self will thank you!

Other obstacles in your way of your hormones

Your whole body is connected and if you’re experiencing issues in other aspects of your health and not addressing them, you may have a harder time addressing your hormones. Digestion can be linked back to any issue in my opinion. If your digestion is not optimal, then you may be missing some vital nutrients that are the building blocks of your hormones, neurotransmitters, and many other chemicals in your body.

Stress is another big factor when it comes to hormones. When we’re stressed, the building blocks that make your hormones are taken away and used to make stress hormones instead like cortisol, a stress hormone made by the adrenal glands. Cortisol has a big impact on your body between weakening the immune system, causing blood sugar dysregulation, and even impacting ovulation. Stress targets your hypothalamus and decreases the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones are responsible for triggering ovulation, without them, you may not have a proper period. Making sure you address your stress is vital in any healing protocol. In instances where you are having issues with your period, if you don’t address the stress, you will find it hard to see any movement!

There are many different ways of supporting your hormones whether it be through food like seed cycling, eating more balanced meals, or addressing systems outside of your menstrual cycle. There are also many different herbs that help balance hormones that I work with on a regular basis. But overall, the food you eat, the life you live, and how you manage you stress are all great areas to start to help support your hormones. If you are interested in taking a deeper dive with me, book your visit today and let’s get started!

talk soon!

Dr. Alyssa


  1. Trickey R. Women, Hormones & the Menstrual Cycle. Crow’s Nest NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin; 2003.

  2. Briden ND, Lara. Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods (p. 103). Lara Briden. Kindle Edition.


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